Monthly Archives: August 2009


Poem #22 Gods Hand in Nature

2009-08-04T10:27:27-04:00August 4th, 2009|

Comes the morning Without warning Tis the dawn of a new day. Come out and play This we say Colored lanterns light the way Along a path of lilies Flowers of the field Great beauty they do yield Scurry down the trail T’ward the holy grail Of light and love [...]

Poem #21 Where Cares Are Lost

2009-08-03T10:31:19-04:00August 3rd, 2009|

I sat down to meditate thinking that I should have waited until later in the day. I was a bit out of sorts due to things happening with our plans. I felt a presence, but I wasn’t getting anything. I also kept drifting off, then I felt the need to [...]

Poem #20 The Mind: The Greatest Instrument

2009-08-02T10:34:53-04:00August 2nd, 2009|

Before I began today's meditation, I was thinking (worrying, actually) that the words that are coming through in these poems are very simple and they're all starting to sound the same. Well, the spirit world put me in my place today. As for the Latin at the beginning, no, I [...]

Poem #19 Worry Not, Theres More to Come

2009-08-01T10:38:59-04:00August 1st, 2009|

(From Suzanne: A special day today -- a "two-fer"!) Sing like the birds Write down our words Carry away your worries and your cares Relax a while Sit and smile Always troubled are you all By worries big and small Things of matter top the list You get the gist [...]

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