You love your Santa
Claus. He brings you gifts. Did you know that each person you meet is
Santa Claus in disguise? Each one you encounter,
whether they have a white beard or not bears you gifts.
How often do you see
the one across from you in this way? How
often do you take the time to discover and appreciate the gift this teacher
brings to you? Ego wants you to believe
that your story is better, that your gifts are what you should share. Do not miss the fact that Santa Claus comes
in many disguises. Find Him today in
each one you meet and today will, indeed, be a merry Christ-mass.
the one across from you in this way? How
often do you take the time to discover and appreciate the gift this teacher
brings to you? Ego wants you to believe
that your story is better, that your gifts are what you should share. Do not miss the fact that Santa Claus comes
in many disguises. Find Him today in
each one you meet and today will, indeed, be a merry Christ-mass.