There is nothing wrong with you. You are a work in progress in a world where all is relative. As you continually compare yourself with others, you will feel good or bad, right or wrong, good enough or not good enough. This is relativity. And what of the real you … the eternal you … that aspect of you that is pure spirit? It is neither right or wrong, good or bad, worthy or unworthy. It simply is. And it is love …. A love far different than relative human love. The key is that you are both of these beings: a human being experiencing the realm of relativity, and a spirit being who is the field of pure being. The more you come to know this and to internalize it, the more you come to know that you can choose which being you identify with at any moment and from which identity you will operate.
this was spot on, I am at a cross road in my journey of light and love. this just hits pretty darned close to home.