Note from Suzannne. When I heard the first rhyming lines in my head this morning, I couldn’t help but smile. What a great way to start the year … with a poem. May 2011 be filled with peace, love, and happiness for all.
Everybody has a story.
Yours is one of many.
You see only one side.
There’s a tail on every penny.
Be not so quick to judge
When one does do you wrong.
For outwardly and inwardly
They may sing a different song.
What troubles you, you oft don’t show,
And others hide as well
The turmoil that they feel inside—
Their own internal hell.
So rather than reacting
With anger when confronted,
Stop and think, “What is the cause
For which I’ve been affronted?”
And though this cause may never show
Your waiting is a gift.
For in this pause you give the time
For love the soul to lift.
See not each one with judging eyes,
But feel within your heart.
You need not know another’s tale
To play a healing part.